1. Vinod says:

    Waw good. keep posting more..

  2. Pramod says:

    really very good and need some more effort because no school or college provide financial knowledge.

  3. Rohini says:

    Its really very good and interesting..much more important for kids to learn and understand in this way..thank you….my 10 and 7 yearsold loved both the videos …

  4. Madhav Agarwal says:

    This is a great way to learn and understand about finance . Hoping that 🙂 Zerodha bring more such video series on topics like taxes, inflation 😀 etc.

    I will make sure that whenever I have kid, they learn about this from here 😀

    🙁 I hoped that someone make it as simple as you did when I was a kid, but happy for the future generation 😀

  5. Samanvay says:

    its so informative and i enjoyed it . I am eagerly waiting for the next episode

  6. Meha says:

    Hi, I’m Meha 7 years old. I learnt value of the money in this video. And the tools like budgeting helps to save and spend on the required things by controlling expenses on unwanted expenses. By making a budget which is also a new word to me.. and taking an interest in what we do helps us to outstand among peers is also a good message portraid in this video very well.

    Now onwards I build a habit to budget and save money as the value of money is immense. And saved money could be invested and compounded.

    Thank You

  7. Subham says:

    its so good man!!!!

  8. Gokila says:

    Thanks!!! Wonderful learnings for me as a parent on teaching the kids the value of Money!!!

  9. Chetan Bahl says:

    Very Wonderful And informative Content useful for money as well as in all aspects of life. Eagerly waiting for next episodes.

  10. Dr Hrishikesh E says:

    Thanks to Zerodha for this excellent initiative! The hardwork put into this project by the whole team is very evident.They are all Extremely informative 😁👏👏👏
    Early exposure for the financial literacy for fostering holistic development of very child is the need of the hour. Hope the education ministry acknowledges this and adds it into their curriculum 😁

  11. PUNEET says:

    Very impressive ones and informative as well.

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