Comments on: Market Intermediaries Markets, Trading, and Investing Simplified. Mon, 03 Feb 2025 05:02:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karthik Rangappa Mon, 03 Feb 2025 05:02:27 +0000 In reply to Ishan.

Ishan, each of these entities have several moving parts. Not easy or wise to club them 🙂

By: Ishan Sun, 02 Feb 2025 16:05:32 +0000 Hi Karthik, really appreciate your efforts for creating this knowledge sharing platform and improving financial literacy in India, it is really helpful for beginners like me. One question I’d like to ask you is that, what prompted the need to make Stock broker, Depository and Clearing House as separate entities? Wouldn’t it be more cost effective and efficient to have a single entity perform all these tasks? Is it to safeguard investors in case one of these entities fail? Or is it because of regulations?

By: Karthik Rangappa Tue, 31 Dec 2024 06:22:07 +0000 In reply to Ashwani Tanwar.

Zerodha itself 🙂

By: Ashwani Tanwar Mon, 30 Dec 2024 14:18:41 +0000 Trading Account, Demat account and Bank account are interlinked.
Zerodha as DP provides us the DEMAT Account.
Who is providing the Trading Account.

By: Karthik Rangappa Thu, 14 Nov 2024 05:17:49 +0000 In reply to Glen.

Hi Glen, welcome back 🙂

As a first step, I’d suggest you reach out to the DP team from Zerodha to get an overview of the process and then follow it accordingly. It will be much easier that way. I’m assuming you have an account with us already?

By: Glen Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:00:49 +0000 Hello Kartik,
At 45, I am quite late into this journey. I had tried earlier 4 years ago and gave up on chapter 1 (due to lack of discipline) I had even left a time stamp there 🙂
Starting over again. I’m hoping this time would be different.

Going through every single comment is long but sometimes there are hidden gems. So worth it.
I have a situation similar to I was hoping if there is an answer.

My mother owned physical shares of Reliance Industries. (No nominees recorded then) She passed away and we never transferred those shares. They are still in physical format.
My father passed away last year.
My sister and I live abroad and want these shares transferred into our names.

I understand from the past that we will need to go through the process of creating a Succession Certificate.
My question. Would this be the following process
1. Hire a consultant (advocate someone) to help with the succession certificate. Does Zerodha provide any references for the same?
2. Create a joint ac with Zerodha
3. Initiate the process of transfer.

In case my sister is okay with transferring it in my name (due to the logistics of her coming down with the kids) I guess that she has to provide some NOC. Does this work differently for the transmission of shares?

Appreciate your and Zerodha’s initiative.


By: Karthik Rangappa Tue, 22 Oct 2024 06:38:14 +0000 In reply to Puneet Choudhary.

Brokers have no control over banking operations, Puneet. This is outside broker’s scope of work.

By: Puneet Choudhary Mon, 21 Oct 2024 13:21:50 +0000 i would like to know if every stock broker is allotted the same intermediary bank or different intermediary banks? and what is zerodha s responsibility if there is an issue going on with its intermediary bank?

By: Karthik Rangappa Thu, 17 Oct 2024 04:16:50 +0000 In reply to Devendra.

This is unfortunate. Firstly, the funds or securities cannot be withdrawn or moved without your consent. The good thing with the system is that there is a proper trail of money and securities. Here is what you can do, and I’m guessing you’ve already done this, but anyway –

1) Show the NSDL statement to indicate that your DEMAT had the MF Units.
2) Show bank statement (or trading account ledger) to show debit of funds towards the purchase of securities.
3) Show the bank statement for April, May, June, July, Aug etc to indicate that there is no refund of funds.

With these documents, you can reason with the staff of the broking company. If there is no proper explanation, then you can take this to the regulators via SCORES platform –

Good luck.

By: Devendra Wed, 16 Oct 2024 15:19:12 +0000 A very concerning development today. I had invested in tax saving units of kotak in march 2019. The nsdl statement at end of march2019 shows the units in my demat account with hdfc bank demat. Now in 2024 i find out that the units are not reflecting in the demat account. On enquiring repeatedly and after a long one month back and forth CAMS tells me that they reversed the Units on 15 April 2019. HDFC Demat team informed me that the Units were redeemed in July 2019.

HDFC securities through whom i conducted the transaction has not credited my account with any refund. On enquiring with them they have confirmed no such refund transaction to my account. The payment has been made from my HDFC Bank account.
It is ridiculous that HDFC Demat has fraudulently withdrawn Units from my demat account without any express instruction from me. I have been kept in the dark and just found out after 5 years, on checking and tallying the demat account.
Is HDFC Bank Demat allowed to withdraw my units without informing me and without even paying refund of the original amount which I had invested? The amount i had invested has appreciated by more than 150% but now i find that the very units are cancelled. Who is responsible for this loss of mine and against whom should i file case against??

By: Karthik Rangappa Sat, 14 Sep 2024 04:56:13 +0000 In reply to sumit.

Stock broker is the conduit for all transactions. Imagine, if you are with Zerodha and someone else is trading with ICICI, then without a central agency, how can trades clear?

By: sumit Fri, 13 Sep 2024 07:43:51 +0000 hi karthik,

i doesn’t understood the role of clearing corporation, like if clearing corporation make settlement of trades then what stock broker will do. can you explain what is the how a stock broker is differ from a clearing corporation ?

By: unmesh Wed, 24 Jul 2024 10:32:45 +0000 thanks

By: Karthik Rangappa Thu, 27 Jun 2024 04:16:02 +0000 In reply to Smaran Kamath.

I’m tempted to tell you that Zerodha on boarded with CDSL and created a playbook, and the rest copied 🙂

By: Smaran Kamath Wed, 26 Jun 2024 08:03:58 +0000 Karthik sir my question is –

Why do maximum brokers become DP for CDSL and not NSDL ? Because i checked on official websites of CDSL and NSDL and i noticed that many brokers such as Zerodha, Groww, Angel One, etc. are DP for CDSL and not NSDL
