

Introducing Green Worms

The past few years of climate startup funding in India have been dominated by electric mobility and infrastructure enabling electric mobility. This is why we made a conscious decision early last year to also enable as much support as possible for teams working on solutions in sectors like waste management which might not attract as […]

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
10 Jul 2024

Introducing Two Brothers Organic Farms

While Rainmatter started as a fintech incubator in 2016, we have evolved to also focus on Climate and Health. The question we kept asking ourselves was—what is the point of saving & investing without having a sound mind and body and a healthy planet? These questions led us to meet several teams solving climate challenges […]

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
04 Jul 2024

Introducing Solinas Integrity

India’s water supply and sewage systems are crucial for both development and public health. While we often talk about diet and exercise when discussing health, access to clean water is just as important. Unfortunately, our water and sanitation systems have not changed much in decades. Even though some technology is used to monitor these systems, […]

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
21 Jun 2024

Introducing Raheja Solar

A large proportion of India’s agricultural produce goes waste for purely how the produce looks (shape, size etc), despite no loss of nutrition. Adding to farmers’ woes is constant uncertainty in the pricing that their produce can fetch in the markets. Raheja Solar Food Processing helps solve both problems, with their farmer-first model. Raheja Solar […]

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
29 May 2024

Stock trading games & copy trading platforms in India?

Update 28th Oct 2022: This Yourstory article claims that NSE has issued cease and desist notices to stock gaming apps. As we mentioned in this post below, regulations don’t allow the exchange market data feed to be used for any fantasy or gaming app.  Update 21st Apr 2023: NSE published a circular prohibiting the use […]

Founder & CEO @ Zerodha
25 May 2024

Introducing Devigere Biosolutions

One of the key challenges in the nutrition space is the production and availability of adequate protein in an environmentally sustainable and affordable way. Plant-based proteins present a promising solution to our nutritional needs due to their long history of crop use and cultivation, lower cost of production, and easy access in many parts of […]

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
23 May 2024

Wint Wealth | Retailing bonds

The more capital one can invest, the more investment opportunities become available. This means institutional and sophisticated investors can diversify their portfolios better. On the other hand, retail investors need more diversification. Especially in India. My theory is that Indians invest in what they believe are safe investments – fixed deposits (FD), gold and real […]

Consulting Producer, Zerodha
10 May 2024

MatchLog | Matchmaking for containers

Half of all shipping containers on the road are empty, driving to or from the nearest port. These ‘dry runs’ add to emissions without being productive. MatchLog reduces these dry runs, matching empty containers with firms.

Consulting Producer, Zerodha
07 May 2024

Introducing Hasiru Dala Innovations

Hasiru Dala offers waste management solutions to commercial establishments, apartments & residential townships, and events. They collect, segregate, and transport waste to processing facilities.

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
07 May 2024

Ditto | The fintech trying to be human

Ditto is a fintech with a human-first approach. They treat customers the way they like to be treated – ditto! They know that insurance is a wicked problem to solve. And they’re up for a challenge.

Consulting producer, Zerodha
03 May 2024

Padcare – Recycling pads to paper

Approximately 12 billion sanitary pads are used annually in India, translating to more than 1 lakh tonnes of waste. How do we solve this without affecting the usage? We met Ajinkya Dhariya, and he explained the magnum of the problem and how his firm Padcare addresses the issue.

Consulting producer, Zerodha
29 Apr 2024

Digio – Helping fintech to go paperless

In this episode of From Scratch, the two co-founders of Digio share their startup journey. They were both working on the problem independently when they were introduced to each other through an investor. Together they were able to home in on the key issue – going paperless – at every stage of any transaction.

Consulting producer, Zerodha
23 Apr 2024

Introducing LogicLadder

Climate change is no longer a future event — water scarcity, erratic weather patterns, diminishing wildlife — we are already experiencing the consequences of climate change. Solving any problem starts by acknowledging there is one and finding ways to quantify it. Although the effects of climate change are obvious, it is crucial to measure the […]

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
16 Apr 2024

Introducing Amwoodo

We started investing in climate action and health a couple of years ago. At the intersection of the two, there is a large plastic waste problem we want to help solve. The ramifications of plastic waste do not end with the pollution of soil and water bodies; microplastics have even found their way into our […]

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
15 Apr 2024

Zerocircle – replacing plastic with seaweed

When reading up last year about how six commodities have shaped human civilisation, I remember feeling guilty about the fact that most of us don’t have a clue about how things are made. I vaguely knew that semiconductors are made of silicon which in turn is derived from sand, but I had never read up […]

Asking questions on financial literacy, climate and Investing in India
05 Mar 2024

This week in fintech and health | Edition #2

In this week’s edition of fintech and health, we look at the rise of corporate venture capital in India, ponder about the future about neobanks and then chuckle at the absurdity of the self optimization culture in health and the absurdity of biohacking fads.

Investments @ Zerodha
01 Mar 2024

Introducing TWF Flours

Our focus on health at Rainmatter started because of the core team’s focus on living a healthy life. The result of this passion was endless questions about the quality of common food items we eat every day, like vegetables, fruits, dairy, grains, etc. So we started interacting with experts in the domain, such as doctors, […]

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
27 Feb 2024

This week in fintech and health | Edition #1

Once upon a time, I used to publish a fintech newsletter. It was pretty good, if I may be vain enough to say so. Once upon a slightly later time, due to unspeakable and mostly embarrassing reasons, I let the newsletter fall by the wayside. But we’re starting it again. My colleagues have promised to […]

Financial analyst and researcher at Zerodha
17 Feb 2024

Introducing JSP Enviro

At Rainmatter one of the problems we spend a lot of time thinking about is water management and pollution. We have partnered with JSP Enviro – a Chennai-based bio-electrochemical (BES) wastewater treatment company.

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
23 Jan 2024

Follow-on investment – Akshayakalpa

Akshayakalpa is trying to solve some of the thorny challenges in the dairy and farming industry.. The Akshayakalpa team works with farmers and local communities to help them implement organic farming techniques to reduce the use of antibiotics and pesticides and then sources the produce.

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
19 Jan 2024

Introducing Fittr

Helping Indians manage their health and wealth excites us the most at Rainmatter. This desire to help people become healthier led us to the FITTR team. We are happy to partner with and support FITTR in its mission to educate people about the importance of nutrition and health.

Patient capital for Indian fintech, health, and climate startups.
08 Jan 2024